+46 (0)40-644 48 10
Hjulhamnsgatan 3. 211 34 Malmö, Sweden
SLA. (Skogs- och Lantarbetsgivarförbund) Forest and Land Employers Federation

Increasing member democracy with digital solutions

SLA is a democratic organization governed by its own members through the democratic designation of delegates to their union and general assembly. By nominating and electing this General Assembly online, the possibility for democracy is broadened. A clear victory for member democracy!

The employers' organization SLA represents approximately 4,000 member companies with nearly 30,000 employees in agriculture, forestry, animal health, golf, and horticulture. Commerz developed a web-based rolling platform that released internal resources so that work could focus on providing even better membership benefits and support for payroll, labor immigration, work environment, etc.

Now, members no longer have to leave work or home to attend meetings. They nominate and vote on the web, regardless of time and place, via mobile, computer, or tablet. Accessibility, security, and simplicity have together increased the interest that members have in participating in nominations and elections. Increased involvement and electoral participation gave more members the opportunity to influence the SLA's future focus and work.

We at Commerz help our customers to develop their processes to adapt to a digital reality. Our digital SLA solution gave members better opportunities to participate and engage in their organization's future focus. This was a natural and expected step in a democratic organization governed by its own members.