+46 (0)40-644 48 10
Hjulhamnsgatan 3. 211 34 Malmö, Sweden


Drupal is a very popular and well-established content management system that is suitable for large websites with multiple administrators. Drupal is available in tens of thousands of installations and is thus one of the largest content management systems (CMS) in the world. It has won several awards for best overall Open Source CMS at the CMS Awards. Drupal's vision is to build standards and open source systems where people and groups that are geographically dispersed can collectively produce, discuss, and share information. Focusing on community and collaboration with module-thinking, Drupal becomes an effective platform for both website and intranet.


DRUPAL - THE MODULAR SYSTEMDrupal is modularly structured. This means, for example, that if you need to make newsletters or have a community, there are often ready-made modules to connect you with a solution. Because Drupal has so many users, new modules are constantly being produced, and there is a great chance that something already exists for exactly what you need.

DRUPAL - THE FLEXIBLE SYSTEMModules are plug-ins that extend functionality in Drupal. These are usually in English, but in many cases, also in other languages. There are over 20,000 modules available in Drupal, with some of the most popular modules being: Contact Form, Calendar, Guestbook, E-shop, Banner System, Forum, Picture Gallery, Newsletter, Graphic Editing of Web Pages, Printer-friendly pages, and much more.


